Salsco - Over 30 Years of Quality and Service

Industries Serviced by Salsco.
Click below the picture to view all the Models we produce for the industries as listed.

Shavings Processing Equipment


Golf Course Equipment


Wood Chippers, PTO & Engine Driven


Hay Silage Equipment


Paving & Curbing Equipment


Landscape & Grounds Maintenance


Chipper Shredder Vacuums

The Manuals Listed on this page are manuals for units currently in production.  If you are looking for a manual for a product no longer in production, please contact our office.  You will need to provide us with the Model Number and Serial Number of your unit.  Email us, or call us, 800-872-5726.


Using the manual published for each machine is very important due to specific controls and features pertaining to that unit.  Avoid the possibility of ordering the wrong parts by assuring that you have the correct Model and Serial Number for your product.


What does the Salsco Serial Number on your machine tell you and Salsco?


010324 0009065 0500

  • The first 6 digits (010324) is the date the unit was built 01=Year (2001) - 03=Month (March) - 24=Day (24th).
  • The next 7 digits (0009065) indicate the actual Model Number/Part Number of the unit.  In this case, it is the Model 0009065, Gas Greens Roller, 13HP Honda Engine.
  • The last 4 digits (0500) is the sequential number of the build. 0500 = the 500th Roller built.

(Please note that there are older machines still out there, that do not use the current 17 digit numbering system.  Should you need clarification of your serial number, please call Salsco.)


Hydraulic Oil Recommendations - All Salsco Equipment

Golf Course Equipment
General Service & Maintenance - All Greens Rollers
Gas Greens Rollers Service Schedule
Roll Replacement Parts Reference Sheet
DC Electric Fan Hook-Up - All Greens Rollers
Fault Codes - Model 09074 EGR with Lithium Battery Option

Gas Greens Rollers, Models 09010 & 09055 (These units are no longer manufactured.  Manual being provided as reference only.)

Gas Greens Rollers, Models 09065, 09066, 09067 - Rev. 3-24-2023

Gas Greens Roller, 09071 - Model HP11 - Rev. 6-1-2023

Gas Greens Roller, 09083 - Model HP5.5 - Rev. 2-17-2021

Gas Greens Roller, 09107 - Model HP11-III - Rev. 10-17-2023

Roll-N-Go-EHA, Model 09105 - Rev. 3-27-2023

Electric Greens Roller QC, Model 09074 - Rev. 3-28-2023

............Trojan Battery Maintenance Poster

Tranz-Former Roller, EHA 5G, Model 09127 - Rev. 3-28-2023
............Tranz-Former, EHA 5G Wiring Diagram

CRV Core Recovery Vehicle, Model 0009130 - Rev. 10-2019

STR-180 Turf Roller, Model 0009135 - Rev. 6-3-2021

Wood/Brush Chippers, PTO Driven

Model 600PTO Chipper
*** Modelo 600 PTO - Manual en español

Model 624PTO Chipper

*** Modelo 624PTO - Manual en español

Model 624XT PTO Chipper

*** Modelo 624XT PTO - Manual en español

Model 627PTO Chipper
*** Modelo 627PTO -  Manual en español

Model 627XT PTO Chipper

...........................Programming Speed Sensing Models 627XT, 6210XT

...........................I-Match Option Parts Diagram-Models 624PTO, 624XT, 627PTO, 627XT

*** Modelo 627XT PTO - Manual en español

Model 6210PTO Chipper
*** Modelos 6210-6210XT - Manual en español

Model 6210XT PTO Chipper

*** Modelos 6210-6210XT - Manual en español

...........................Programming Speed Sensing Models 627XT, 6210XT

Model 824PTO Chipper

*** Modelo 824PTO - Manual en español

Model 826PTO Chipper

*** Modelo 826PTO - Manual en español

Model 810PTO Chipper

*** Modelo 810PTO - Manual en español


Wood/Brush Chippers, Engine Driven

600 Series Chippers, Models 608, 609, 610, 613, 616

*** Modelo 600Series, 608, 609, 610, 613, 616 - Manual en español

62 Series Hydraulic Feed Chippers, Models 6235BXT, 6240SXT, 6236KXT

84 Series Chippers, Models 8416, 8421, 8420, 8425, 8428

86 Series Chippers, Model 8625

86 Series Chippers, Models 8635, 8640
*** Modelos 8635. 8640 -  Manual en español

Model 8635TK and 8637TK Track Chipper Rev. 12-17-2020
*** Modelo 8635TK y 8637TK - Manual en español

400 Series Chippers, Models 413H, 416B, 424H

Model 810M Chipper
*** Modelo 810M - Manual en español

Model 810 Chipper
*** Modelo 810 - Manual en español

Model 813 Chipper

*** Modelo 813 - Manual en español

Model 813XT Chipper

Model 818 Chipper

*** Modelo 818 - Manual en español

Model 818XT Chipper

*** Modelo 818XT - Manual en español

SSS Salsco Safety Shield Manual

Chipper Shredder Vacuums

Model 616CSV

Models 625, 635-CSV

*** Modelo 625NS - Manual en español


Haylage Equipment

Econo Wrapper


Construction Equipment

Mini-Asphalt Track Paver, TP44-TD

Mini-Asphalt Paver, Rubber Tire, Model 05004

Cobra Curber 
*** Modelo Cobra Curber - Manual en españollll

Scorpion Pavement Router


Shaving Mills

12" PTO Shaving Mill

20" PTO and Engine Driven Shaving Mills

30" Shaving Mill

40" Shaving Mill

60" Shaving Mill

Slab Chipper

Model SC-18 Rev. 7/2020


Landscape Maintenance Equipment

Tailgate Mount & Bumper Mount Leaf Vacuums

Truckloader Leaf Vacuums, Models 720 & 725

Strawblowers, Models 525 and 525T


Don't see your Model listed here?

Give us a call, 800-872-5726, 203-271-1682, or email us,