Salsco - Over 30 Years of Quality and Service

Model 627XT, PTO Chipper
6" Capacity, Hydraulic Feed


Dual Hydraulic Feed Rolls360º Exhaust Chute, Easy Adjust Exhaust Flap and Flow Control are all Standard. The 627XT has a large 7” x 8” Infeed Opening to the Feed Rolls.

This unit has a 1/2” thick, reversible, sharpenable, and replaceable bed knife for consistent chip size.



Speed Sensing monitors the impeller R.P.M., and should the R.P.M. drop to a certain R.P.M., the infeed will stop and wait for the R.P.M. of the impeller to come up to full operating R.P.M., and then it will start feeding in the material.  An invaluable tool!



I-Match Quick Attach provides easy hook up and is a great time saver.








Click here to go to Model 627XT PTO product page


Click here to download the 627XT PTO Chipper Literature & Specifications.