Salsco Model HP11 Gas Greens Roller
We took the #1 Greens Roller in the world and made it better! We gave it a high performance hydraulic pump, which is where it gets its' speed. Up to 11.9 Miles Per Hour! We doubled the steering ratio, and made our roller feel like a sports car. We used larger bearings on the roll housings to increase the life of the rolls. We machine 100% of the rolls outside dimension. Consistency is no longer a concern. Put these new features together with a proven machine and you have one of the finest rollers on the market today.
- Dual Drive Oscillating Rolls for Positive Traction
- Articulating Steering
- Automotive Type Tilt Steering Wheel
- Forward/Reverse Seat Slide
- P.S.I = 4.2 without water added to the rolls, 5.6 with water added to the rolls
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